On December 2, 2015, 14 people were killed and 22 others seriously injured in a terrorist attack consisting of mass shootings and attempted bombing at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California. The perpetrators, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, a married couple living in the town of Redlands, targeted a San Bernardino County Community Health training event and a Christmas party of about 80 employees in a rented banquet hall. Farook is a Pakistani-born US citizen, who works as a health department employee. Malik is a legal permanent resident of America in the United States.
After the shooting, the couple escaped by renting sport sport utility vehicles (SUVs). Four hours later, police chased their vehicle and killed them in a gunbattle, which also caused two officers to be wounded.
According to an FBI investigation, the perpetrators were "homegrown brutal extremists" who were inspired by foreign terrorist groups. They are not directed by such groups and are not part of terrorist networks or cells. FBI investigators have said that Farook and Malik had been radical for several years before the attack, consuming "poison on the internet" and expressed a commitment to jihadism and martyrdom in private messages to each other. Farook and Malik had traveled to Saudi Arabia in the years before the attack. The couple collected a large pile of guns, ammunition, and bomb-making equipment in their home.
Enrique Marquez Jr., a friend and Farook's former neighbor, was investigated in connection with the purchase of two rifles used in the attack. Marquez was arrested in December 2015, and later pleaded guilty to federal charges of providing material support for terrorism and making false statements in connection with the acquisition of firearms. Marquez also acknowledged that, in 2011, he conspired with Farook to carry out shooting and bombing attacks, plans that were abandoned at the time. Three others, including brother and sister Farook, were arrested for immigration fraud in connection with a fake marriage between Marquez and Mariya Chernykh (Farook's brother-in-law). All three pleaded guilty.
The attack was the deadliest mass shootings in the United States since the shooting of Sandy Hook Schoolary School in 2012, and the deadliest terrorist attacks have occurred in the US since the September 11 attacks.
Video 2015 San Bernardino attack
Before the attack
Farook and Malik leave their six-month-old daughter with Farook's mother at their Redlands home on the morning of the assault, saying they will go to the doctor. Farook, a health inspector for the San Bernardino County Public Health Department, attended departmental events at the Inland Regional Center banquet hall. The event started as a meeting and training event for all semi-annual staff, and was in the process of transitioning to the department's lunch/party when filming began. There are a total of 91 invited guests, with 75-80 people claiming to have attended.
Farook arrived at the departmental show at about 8:30 Ã, a.m. and went halfway around 10:30 AM, span the morning, leaving the backpack on the table. Coworkers reported that Farook had been silent during the event, and that he had seen his phone before his departure. He posed for photos with other co-workers.
Inland Regional Center Attack
Shortly before 11:00 Ã, a.m., Events have unscheduled pauses due to technical issues. At 10:58 Ã, a.m. PST, Farook and Malik, armed with semi-automatic pistols and rifles, fired five shots, killing two people outside the building. Farook then entered a minute later and fired on those present, followed quickly by Malik. They wear ski masks and black tactical equipment (including load-bearing vests containing magazines and ammunition), but not ballistic or bulletproof vests. The entire shooting took two or three minutes, in which the shooter fired more than 100 bullets before escaping.
During the shooting, many of those present managed to escape from the room and flee deeper into the building, while those who remained hidden under a table or in the bathroom, closet, and closet. A bullet hit the fire sprinkler, causing water to flow into the banquet room, making it hard to see. The actors move between the tables, shoot anyone who moves or voices. One person was attacked by a bullet that tore through the interior walls, while another was shot while trying to escape through a glass door near where the gunmen entered. Three people tried to stop one of the shooters, but all were shot; it is unclear if anyone survived. One victim died while protecting co-workers with his body. Some initially thought the attack was an active shooter exercise; some previous exercises like that happen in the same banquet hall.
An unnamed source told an NPR reporter that the witnesses seemed to recognize Farook in his voice and build. Another witness easily identifies one of the shooters as a female because of his small body shape and tight clothes. Sources reported that Malik promised bay'ah (loyalty) to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the ISIL leader, on the Facebook account linked to him when the attack took place. Later reports describe the post was made on behalf of both shooters.
The perpetrators abandoned three explosive devices connected to each other at the Regional Center of the Outback, located in the backpack left by Farook during departmental events. The device was described as a pipe bomb built with Christmas lights and tied together, combined with a remote controlled car that was turned on. Poorly built devices fail to explode. Authorities believe that pipe bombs are meant to target emergency personnel who respond to the scene. The device is hidden inside a canvas bag, and the shape is similar to a scheme published in Al Qaeda magazine Inspire . Coworkers saw the bag before the attack took place, but thought that Farook would be back for it and therefore did not investigate it.
Police response
It took three minutes and 32 seconds for the first police unit to respond to the photo shoot after an early 9-1-1 emergency call. Two police officers with the San Bernardino Police Department (SBPD) arrived almost at 11:04 pm, when two other SBPD officers arrived two minutes later, four officers entered the building through the southeast side and started looking for gunners. They ignore the injured victim's request to stop and give first aid to them, as it is a common procedure during an active shooter situation. Another team of four officers (one from the SBPD and another from the Fontana Police Department) entered the building from the north side and partnered with the first team in cleaning all rooms on the first floor.
At 11:14 Ã, a.m., the San Bernardino Fire Department made a Twitter post about an emergency at 1300 Waterman Avenue blocks, with police working to clear the scene. Roads in the area were covered in traffic. SWATS San Bernardino team happens to do their monthly training a few miles away from the scene at the time of the attack, allowing them to arrive on the scene within eleven minutes. The police used a breaking device to get into the complex. The first floor was cleared by 11:17 Ã, a.m., and the secondary sweep of the building began fourteen minutes later.
When the officers look for shooters inside the building, others help the wounded. The probation officer initially set up an emergency triage center near the entrance of the building, but considered it too close and moved it across the street at 11:15 Ã, a.m. Because survivors are wet from the water flowing from the fire sprinkler pipe, they become slippery for officers to hold it. The injured victims were carried on blankets and chairs, as stretcher and tack litter were not available at the time. SBPD tactical doctors oversee the extraction operations. It took 57 minutes to get the last of the wounded to the hospital.
In the end, about 300 officers and agents from city, county, state, and federal agencies responded to the event of an active shooter, gathered at the scene when people were evacuated. The FBI and counter-terrorism unit of the Los Angeles Police Department was called in to help. Police are looking for a black SUV used by the perpetrators to escape from the scene.
At 5:08 Ã, p.m., The explosive device placed by Farook was discovered by the FBI SWAT officer. They are then detonated individually by bomb squads, with the last explosion occurring at 8:37 Ã, p.m. Earlier, at 11:33 AM, the abandoned suitcase was found in a second-floor office and mistaken for a suspicious device, but was deemed safe by 2:22 pm Rural Regional Center stated safe by the authority at 09:29 pm
The US Department of Homeland Security sent PC Pilate-12 surveillance planes into the area, which skirted the sky above San Bernardino for hours, especially in areas where the shootings were going and in areas investigated by police, and set off after a crossfire between perpetrators and police.
Car chases and blackouts
Law enforcement starts searching for suspects. A witness named Farook to the police, who soon learned that he had rented a black Ford Expedition SUV with license plate Utah four days before the attack. Based on information provided by one of Farook's neighbors, two plainclothes investigators went to the Redlands offender's home on North Center Street for surveillance shortly before 3:00 pm, about four hours after the initial attack at the Center for Outback Regional has begun. They saw Farook's vehicle leave the residence and pursue the freeway at 3:08:19 Ã, p.m. Officers from other agents joined in pursuit shortly afterwards.
At least one fake blast? -? A metal pipe filled with fabric made like a pipe bomb? -? Thrown into the police during the chase. The SUV got off the highway to North Tippecanoe Avenue and stopped briefly at the traffic light, where a chase officer watched the actors wearing tactical vests and equip themselves with rifles. The SUV then traveled to East San Bernardino Avenue and entered the suburbs, where the rear-seat shooter, identified as Malik, began firing at police through the rear window at 3:08:43 Ã, p.m.
Finally, at 3:09:22 Ã, p.m., SUV stopped in the neighborhood about 1.7 miles (2.7 km) from where the initial attack. Soon after, the couple continued to exchange fire with the police from inside their vehicle at around 3:00 pm p.m. Malik opened the passenger door aside and shot the first stop police vehicle, which is about 210 feet (64 m) from the SUV. Farook emerged from the front door of the driver, standing between the two open doors, and firing at the same vehicle.
As more officers gathered, Farook walked across the street to several houses while continuing to shoot, clamping the officers behind their patrol car. He intended to move the first sheriff's deputy to stop. Aware of this, some officers reposition themselves and focus their shots on Farook. A police officer finally shot Farook on the right side, allowing others to flank and shoot him. Farook fell to the ground, shot several times in the legs and upper body. He shot the police once with a pistol as he lay wounded on the ground, injuring an officer before the gun was broken. Farook was shot again several times and killed. His body was handcuffed and positioned to face down afterwards.
Officers then fired at the SUV as Malik continued firing at them. During this shootout, a second police officer was injured. Using a police cruiser as a cover, officers fired at the back of the SUV while rescuing the wounded officer and the second. At 3:14:53 Ã, p.m., Malik was killed by several bullets that hit his body and his head.
The shots lasted about five minutes before the two perpetrators were killed. Police use BearCat armored personnel carriers in the face of shooters. Because authorities fear that the vehicle may contain explosives, "Benteng" - a protective motorized batter - is used to investigate the SUV.
The sheriff's department insists that a man and a woman are killed. Seven police agents were involved in the latest gunfight, with 23 officers firing a combined total of at least 440 rounds. The perpetrators fired at least 81 rounds. During the firefight, police asked residents to stay indoors. Nearly 2,500 grains of.223 and 9mm caliber ammunition were recovered from the vehicle, along with medical supplies and triggers believed to be explosive devices left at the Inland Regional Center.
Maps 2015 San Bernardino attack
In the attack of the Regional Center, 14 civilians were killed. They are between 26 and 60 years old. Nine are residents of San Bernardino County; others from surrounding areas of Riverside, Los Angeles, and adjacent Orange. Three of the victims who died? -? Isaac Amanios, Bennetta Betbadal, and Tin Nguyen? -? Have come to the United States to escape from violence or persecution in their home country of Eritrea, Iran, and Vietnam, respectively. Thirteen of the fourteen killed were local employees; ten are environmental health specialists. The ten men comprise about 25 percent of county health inspectors.
According to an autopsy report released on May 27, 2016, 14 people died and all died from multiple gunshot wounds, and most were shot in the back. Twelve of them died almost instantly from their wounds, while the other two, Shannon Johnson and Bennetta Betbadal, later died at a temporary surrogate center set up across the street from the Inland Regional Center.
In addition to the 14 who were killed, 22 others were seriously injured, either by bullets or other causes. After the wounded victims were extracted from the building, it took about 15 minutes for them to get to the hospital. Five patients were transported to the nearest Loma Linda University Medical Center and six were transported to the Arrowhead Regional Medical Center. The last of those hospitalized for injuries sustained in the attack was fired from Loma Linda University Medical Center on March 3, 2016, more than three months after the incident.
In addition to the 22 wounded, a police officer was hospitalized with a gunshot wound he suffered during a firefight; Another officer was injured by broken glass or shrapnel. One of the wounded officers did not realize he had been beaten until thirteen hours later.
After the attack, police identified husband and wife couple Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik as perpetrators. They used two illegally-converted 0.223 caliber semi-automatic rifles to defeat California magazine release requirements, two 9mm caliber semi-automatic pistols, and an assembled explosive device in the attack. No shooter has a criminal record, and is not on the list of Terrorist Filtering Databases. The New York Times reported that "so far, the government has no concrete warning of intelligence about the attack," although the federal government has long been afraid of "homegrown, self-radicalized individuals who operate without known before attacking. one of many soft targets "in the United States.
On December 3, 2015, the FBI took over as the leading federal law enforcement agency on the case, treating investigations into counter-terrorism investigations. The FBI is conducting a "big" investigation, and on December 7, 2015, has conducted about 400 interviews and collected about 320 pieces of evidence. On January 5, 2016, the FBI began to investigate the activities of the perpetrators during the 18-minute period from 12:59 p.m. up to 1:17 p.m. on the day of the shootings, and they apply to the public for help. Researchers believe that the two are driving around the city in a clear attempt to blow away the explosives they left on the scene of the attack.
The investigation found that the perpetrators were inspired by Islamic terrorists and terrorist organizations. In the testimony of the Senate Judicial Commission given on December 9, 2015, FBI Director James B. Comey said they were "talking to each other about jihad and martyrdom," before their engagement and as late as 2013. They reportedly spent at least a year preparing for the attack , including taking target practice and making plans to take care of their child and Farook's mother. Comey said that although investigations have shown that couples are radical and may be inspired by foreign terrorist organizations, there is no indication that they are being directed by such a group or part of a wider cell or network.
On December 16, 2015, Comey said, "We can see from our investigation that by the end of 2013, before the physical encounters of these two people [Farook and Malik] resulted in their involvement and then a trip to the United States, they communicated online, "Comey said the FBI investigation has revealed that the perpetrators" consume poison on the Internet "and both have become radical" before they start dating or dating one online "and" before the emergence of ISIL. " As a result, Comey said that "outlining the motivation of certain terrorist propaganda that is motivated in what way remains a challenge in this investigation, and our work is going on there."
In an Arabic-language online radio broadcast, ISIL described the perpetrators as "supporters" after the attack. During the police investigation of the attack, The New York Times reported that this language indicates a "less direct connection" between shooters and terrorist groups. On December 5, 2015, an English-language broadcast on its Bayan radio station, ISIL referred to the couple as "Caliph's army," which is the phrase used by ISIL to show members of a terrorist organization. The New York Times reported that it is not clear why the two versions are different.
On December 1, 2016, nearly a year after the attack, authorities speculated about Farook's forced participation in training events and Christmas parties as the trigger. The newly discovered email shows that Malik objected to the party and did not want her husband to participate. San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan said in an interview with ABC News that Malik stated that "he does not think that a Muslim should participate in a holiday or a non-Muslim event" in an online account.
After the death of the perpetrators, the focus shifts to a small townhouse in Redlands, a few miles away from San Bernardino; the place where Farook and Malik met after the shootings and where they lived. At 06:00 PST time on December 2, 2015, the police executed a search warrant at home. According to San Bernardino police chief, Farook and Malik are listed in the lease agreement. Police use robots to search the house. Researchers found 2,000 rounds of 9 mm rifle, 2,500 caliber -223 caliber, and tools that could be used to make improvised explosive devices. The FBI also initially reported that they had removed twelve pipe bombs from the perpetrator's home; The FBI clarified a few days later that they had found 19 types of pipes that could be turned into bombs from home.
The Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) brewed an "urgent footprint" on firearms less than two hours after the weapons were restored.
The couple did not completely succeed in destroying their personal electronics, including cell phones and hard drives, before the attack.
Under a federal search warrant, authorities also searched townhouses in Corona twice, where Farook's brother and father lived. The FBI says that the family is working together and the authorities do not arrest anyone.
On December 10, 2015, federal authorities began looking for Lake Seccombe park in downtown San Bernardino after receiving a tip that the gunmen visited the area on the day of the attack. A diving team was sent to a shallow edge of the lake to look for evidence; nothing relevant was found.
Media reporters go into the shooter house
After the FBI completes the search for the townhouse of the perpetrators, it is left to the owner. On December 4, 2015, landlords used crowbars to open doors to homes and allowed journalists and photographers to "roam" the house. NBC News correspondent Kerry Sanders said that Inside Edition paid the building owner US $ 1,000 to access the home. MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News all broadcast live videos from home, showing pictures of personal photos, documents, identity cards, and baby items.
The scene is described as having a "media circus" atmosphere. Sanders, in particular, was criticized for showing close-up photographs of children's photographs and Farook's mother's identity cards; The network then says sorry to do so. According to legal experts, the broadcast is not illegal, but it raises concerns about journalistic ethics. The Washington Post media critic Erik Wemple writes that media behavior is "appalling" and argues that "this is a story that is less suited to live coverage, with no time and ability to document the scene, determine what is relevant and provide the product which was filtered to readers. "Al Tompkins of Poynter Institute for Media Studies said that the decision to enter the apartment was" ridiculous "and criticized the" unfeeling and competitive behavior "of the media in a big story.
Phone decryption
On February 9, 2016, the FBI announced that it was unable to unlock any of the phones they had recovered due to the advanced security features of the phone. The phone is a 5C iPhone owned by the county and issued to its employees, the shooter Farook. The FBI first asked the National Security Agency to break into the phone, but the NSA could not do it. As a result, the FBI asked Apple Inc. to create a new version of the iOS mobile operating system that can be installed and run in random access memory of the phone to disable certain security features. Apple refused because of its policy of never destroying its product safety features. The FBI responded by successfully applying judge of the United States, Sherri Pym, to issue a court order, requiring Apple to create and supply the requested software. The order was not a court order, but was issued under the All Writs of 1789 Act.
Apple announced their intention to oppose the order, citing security risks that backdoor creation would inflict on their customers. He also stated that no government has ever asked for similar access. The company was granted until 26 February 2016, to fully respond to court orders.
In response to the opposition, on February 19, 2016, the US Department of Justice filed a new petition urging federal judges to force Apple to comply with the order. The new application states that the company can install malware on the phone in its own place, and after the FBI hacked the phone via a remote connection, Apple can remove and destroy the malware.
On the same day, Apple revealed that they had discussed with four FBI methods to access data on the iPhone in early January, but one of the more promising methods was ruled out by mistake during the attack's investigation. After the shooter phone is restored, the FBI asks San Bernardino County, the owner of the phone, to reset the password to the iCloud shooter account to obtain data from the iCloud backup. However, this makes the phone unable to back up the latest data to iCloud unless its pass-code is entered. This is confirmed by the Department of Justice, which then adds that any reserves will be "insufficient" because they will not be able to recover enough information from it.
San Bernardino County District Attorney Michael Ramos filed a brief claim that the iPhone may contain evidence of the possibility of a third shooter and "active cyber pathogens" that could be entered into the San Bernardino County computer network.
On March 28, the Justice Department announced that it had unlocked the iPhone and withdrew its lawsuit. The preliminary report, citing an anonymous source, stated that the Israeli company Cellebrite was assisting the FBI with this alternative. However, The Washington Post reported that (according to the anonymous "people familiar with the issue"), the FBI paid "professional hackers" who use zero-day vulnerabilities in iPhone software to bypass try restrictions, and do not need Cellebrite help.
In September 2016, the Associated Press, Media Representative, and Gannett (owner of USA Today ) filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the FBI, seeking to force agencies to disclose who was hired to unlock the iPhone Farook, and how much is paid. On September 30, 2017, a federal court ruled against media organizations and provided a brief assessment for the government's interests. The court ruled that the company that hacked the iPhone and the amount paid to it by the FBI was a national security secret and "source or method of intelligence" exempted from disclosure under the FOIA; the court also ruled that the amount paid "reflects a secret law enforcement technique or procedure" which is also included in the FOIA exemption.
The national reaction to Apple's opposition to the order varied. A CBS News poll that sampled 1,022 Americans found that 50% of respondents supported the establishment of the FBI, while 45% supported the establishment of Apple.
Possible third shooter
Early news reports and witness accounts after the attack led to the search of up to three shooters, but the police finally decided that there were only two because only two firearms were used in the attack according to ballistic evidence.
Immediately after the firefight that killed the perpetrators, the investigators in the armored vehicles in the townhouse of the perpetrators were deemed to order evacuation, but ordered the environment to take shelter and encircle the area. From 4:00 am At 5:30 am, police asked residents in the area to stay in their homes with the door locked and secure after residents reported someone jumping the fence. Nothing found; reports may come from officers at the scene. A person who was arrested after fleeing from a shooting location was suspected to be the third suspect, but police decided he was not connected to the shooting; the person was ordered on an unrelated extraordinary infringement warrant.
On February 18, 2016, the FBI revealed that they had not ruled out the possibility of the third shooter, but clarified that they continued to operate on the assumption that only two shooters were involved. Several witnesses claiming to have seen three gunmen at the Inland Regional Center continue to affirm their accounts. On December 1, 2016, it was reported that the FBI has not ruled out that possibility.
Related capture and prosecution
Enrique Marquez Jr.
Enrique Marquez Jr., a neighbor next door to Farook's house until May 2015, and associated with it by a fraudulent marriage of immigration fraud, was investigated in connection with the purchase of two rifles used in the attack, a charge he agreed to plead guilty to. There was no record of removing weapons from Marquez to the attackers.
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Marquez converted to Islam in 2007. Although not regularly, Marquez attended the Riverside Islamic Center and the Corona-Norco Islamic Society four or five years before the attack, and stood out for his Hispanic background.
Federal prosecutors alleged that in 2011, Farook and Marquez conspired to do shootings and bombings at libraries or cafeterias at Riverside Community College, where both were students, and during rush hour traffic on California State Route 91 at Corona. Marquez reportedly told authorities he and Farook were trying to carry out attacks in 2011 or 2012. The plan was abandoned after three men in the Inland Empire were arrested for their plan to kill Americans in Afghanistan. Although the FBI previously denied this fact, Marquez was found to have a relationship with these people in 2016.
In 2011, Marquez spent most of his time at Farook's home, listening, watching, and reading radical Islamic propaganda, including Inspire magazine, the official Al-Qaeda publication on the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), and videos produced by Al-Shabaab and Anwar al-Awlaki's sermon.
On November 29, 2014, Marquez held a fake marriage with Mariya Chernykh, a Russian woman who arrived in the US on a J-1 visa and a sister from Farook's brother's wife. According to The New York Times, Marquez is said to have been paid between $ 5,000 and $ 10,000 to enter the marriage with a green card so Chernykh could become a US citizen.
On December 5, 2015, the federal government ransacked Riverside Marquez's home under a federal search warrant. He waived Miranda's rights and cooperated "extensively" with federal investigators, "discussing the length of his relationship with" Farook.
Arrests and legal proceedings
On December 17, 2015, Marquez was arrested and indicted in the US District Court for the Central District of California with three federal penalties: conspiracy to provide material support for terrorism (ie, himself, firearms, and explosives); make a false statement in connection with the acquisition of firearms ("purchase of straw"); and immigration scams. Costs related to "purchase of straw" and other immigration fraud charges added on December 30, 2015. He faces a maximum of 50 years in prison if found guilty of all charges. The court ordered Marquez to be held without warrant, saying that Marquez would pose a danger to the people if released.
Marquez initially pleaded not guilty to all charges against him. On April 28, 2016, he was named in the charge as a conspirator in a fraudulent document related to Mariya Chernynk's arrest. In February 2017, as part of a plea agreement with federal prosecutor, Marquez pleaded guilty to conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists and made false statements regarding the purchase of firearms. Marquez also confessed to plotting with Farook who allegedly abandoned the terror plot in 2011. As part of the plea agreement, the government agreed to cancel the allegations of marriage fraud.
The maximum penalty is 25 years in prison plus a $ 500,000 fine. Testifying in court when Marquez's guilty plea was inserted, the father of one of the victims denounced the plea agreement, saying that it would lead to an overly light sentence; The US Attorney explained that while he understood his father's suffering, the government did not have enough evidence to prosecute Marquez for a more serious offense.
The court ruling was initially set on November 6, 2017, but was postponed until February 26, 2018, four days earlier.
Raheel Farook, Tatiana Farook, and Mariya Chernykh
Syed Raheel Farook, shooter brother Rizwan Farook, 31 years old; his wife Tatiana Farook, 31 years old; and his sister Mariya Chernykh, who was Marquez's "wife" in a fake marriage, were all subject to an investigation into Chernykh's fake marriage to Marquez, who appeared during the investigation of the attack.
Personal background
Raheel Farook served in the US Navy in the Iraq War from 2003 to 2007, and was awarded two medals for service during the War on Terror. He is described by his friends and neighbors as a friendly and extroverted person compared to his brother Rizwan. In 2011, he married Tatiana, a Russian citizen who immigrated to the US in 2003 from his native village, Vysokiy, located 400 miles (640 km) from Moscow.
Tatiana first settled in Richmond, Virginia, shortly after arriving in the US on a J-1 visa. There, he married another man, but the couple divorced in 2010 and Tatiana moved to southern California, where he met with Raheel. In California, he began to launch several businesses, including a kiosk at The Shops at Montebello, a shopping center.
Mariya Chernykh, the sister of Tatiana Farook and also from Vysokiy village, left Russia and entered the US on a J-1 visa in July 2009 and failed to leave on October 30 of the same year as her visa required. At a certain point since his arrival in the US, he made an asylum request, although it is not known at the moment whether it was ordered. She has been dating Los Angeles men for years and has a child with her, but is forced to part ways with a fake marriage. On November 29, 2014, Chernykh held a fake marriage with Marquez to gain legal status in the US. According to The Los Angeles Times , after a fake marriage, Chernykh struggled to play his part; at Christmas 2014, she was urged by Tatiana to stop posting pictures of herself with her ex-girlfriend. He started working with his sister as a saleswoman at his brother's kiosk. In January 2017, he pleaded guilty to immigration scams.
By the end of 2015, Chernykh and Marquez are set to be interviewed by immigration officers. As a result, according to the indictment, Raheel Farook created a false counter-lease agreement claiming that the two had lived with him and his wife since their marriage. Raheel and Tatiana Farook also allegedly made family photos of Chernykh and Marquez, and created a joint transaction account for them. Prosecutors alleged that on December 3, a day after the Regional Center attack Tatiana Farook lied to investigators about the marriage of Chernykh and Marquez.
On February 18, 2016, the FBI ransacked Raheel Farook's residence, but did not comment on the precise nature of the search. Raheel was not arrested or named a suspect at the time.
Arrests and legal proceedings
On April 28, 2016, Farooks and Chernykh were arrested and charged with conspiracy to consciously make false statements under oath in connection with immigration documents. This accusation carries a maximum sentence of five years.
All three pleaded not guilty to charges against them in federal court at Riverside. Mother Raheel Farook and former Chernykh boyfriend agreed to post their bails.
A day after his arrest, Chernykh sent his guarantee, but he was transferred to detention from the US Department of Immigration and Customs Service and was detained at the Adelanto Detention Center. The process of deportation against him is still pending, but held until the criminal case is resolved.
US lawyer Eileen Decker issued a statement, saying that the allegations arose from an investigation into the attack. The indictment alleges that Chernykh paid Marquez for entering a fake marriage to obtain US immigration benefits. The US Attorney's Office said in a statement that Raheel and Tatiana Farook conspired in a fake marriage by "witnessing Marquez and Chernykh's marriage, taking photos of Marquez and Chernykh's family, setting up joint accounts for the couple and making rental dates back to Marquez and Chernykh for creating the illusion that they share a marriage dwelling. "
Chernykh pleaded guilty to a conspiracy, a false oath, and two charges of making false statements. She is set to be sentenced on November 20, 2017, and is charged up to 20 years in prison.
In January 2017, Raheel Farook pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy crimes for committing immigration fraud, arising from making false statements to support Chernykh's request for permanent residence. The following month, Tatiana Farook pleaded guilty to the same crime. The maximum penalty in both cases is five years in prison, three years of supervised release, and a $ 250,000 fine.
Both were initially set to be sentenced on 13 November 2017, but this was postponed until March 19, 2018, three days earlier.
Discussion of emergency response
On March 18, 2016, California State Assembly member Freddie Rodriguez of the Joint Legislative Committee on Emergency Management held a hearing in which the first respondent had to share details of the response to the attack and possible aspects that could be improved. During the trial, Michael Madden, a lieutenant with the San Bernardino Police Department and one of the first respondents to respond to the Rural Regional Center, called for state assistance in encrypting police radio channels. He explained that police communications were played in real-time in the US during the attacks, broadcast on YouTube and other network systems. According to Madden, this puts first responders at risk, because potential suspects can monitor communications and track law enforcement actions. He added that the City of San Bernardino, as well as San Bernardino County, is moving toward radio systems that will incorporate encrypted frequencies.
Discussion of gun control
President Barack Obama called for the law of "common sense" gun safety and a stronger background check as part of a bipartisan effort to reduce the frequency of the shootings. In an interview with CBS News' Norah O'Donnell, Obama said, "We have a pattern of mass shootings in this country that is not parallel anywhere else in the world." Obama called for legislation to block people on the No Fly anti-terrorism List from buying weapons. House Speaker Paul Ryan opposed this proposal, saying that refusing people on the list of rights to bear arms would violate their legal process rights.
After the shootings, some Democrats are trying to tighten federal weapons control rules, "blaming cultures that allow even people who are not allowed to board planes to buy weapons easily," while some Republicans criticize what they believe to be "Obama's unwillingness of government to accept the real threat posed by Muslim extremists. "The California State Legislature also proposes to review some of the previously stalled weapons control proposals, with a lawmaker proposing a ban on arms sales to those on the federal No Fly List. On January 8, 2016, Representative Pete Aguilar of Redlands spoke on the floor of the House of Representatives and called for gun control. After the shooting, arms sales in California increased by more than 18,000, following the overall year-on-year decline for sales across the state. Applications for concealed carry licenses also rose 750 percent in San Bernardino County.
The families of the shooting victims reacted to President Obama's executive actions to tighten weapons regulations and expanded background checks. A number of family members expressed support for the required and long-delayed plans, while some doubted whether they would reduce gun violence.
Before the attack, the action was sponsored by Senator Dianne Feinstein; it will allow the US to ban the sale of weapons and explosives to people who are listed in government surveillance lists against terrorist suspects. The so-called "Feinstein Amendment" came to the Senate floor one day after the attack, but failed in party elections, with Democrats backing and Republicans opposed. On June 16, 2016, Tina Meins, the daughter of one of the fourteen people killed in the attack, spoke at a press conference run by Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy, just a day after Murphy launched a fifteen-hour filibuster on the floor of the US Senate, federal gun control laws. In a press conference, Meins reiterated his support for gun control and questioned the Senate's vote against the Feinstein Amendment, explaining that more than 2,000 terror suspects were able to purchase firearms since 2004.
The New York Times published a front-page editorial, the first in 95 years, calling for gun control measures. The editorial board of the Times wrote: "It is a moral rage and a national disgrace that civilians can legally purchase weapons specifically designed to kill people with brutal speed and efficiency." Arthur O. Sulzberger, Jr., publisher of the Times, said the editorial placement on the front page was "to convey a statement of frustration and sadness that is strong and visible about the inability of our country to come to terms with the specter of weapons."
On April 20, 2016, California state lawmakers gave preliminary approval to five weapons control bills, which banned assault rifles with removable magazines, banned the sale of shotguns with "bullet" devices, banned magazine holdings of more than ten rounds, as needed. gathering information about people who intend to buy ammunition for any kind of firearms, and require impregnated firearms to be registered in the state and serialized. Steps have been opposed by a number of politicians and weapons rights organizations such as the National Rifle Association and Gun Owners of California. Some bills have been approved by Governor Brown on July 1, 2016, and will take effect in 2017.
Memorial planned
On May 5, 2016, a group formed by San Bernardino County announced plans for a memorial dedicated to victims and survivors of the attack, as well as the first responders involved. Details on the design of the memorial, intended as a fountain and garden, were released the following day. Groundbreaking is scheduled to begin on June 2, the six-month anniversary of the attack. By 2017, the warning is still under development. Such warnings usually take five to ten years to complete.
Threats against schools
Immediately after the attack, classes were canceled at California State University, San Bernardino and at Loma Linda University following a bomb threat that was called to a university health center, where many injured were treated.
On December 15, after the Unified School District of Los Angeles received threats of attack by "explosives" and other means, Superintendent of Schools Ramon Cortines ordered the closure of all schools in the district for the day. Cortines cited the San Bernardino incident as an influence in his decision to close the school. New York City received the same threat, but the New York City Department of Education determined it was a hoax and did not take action.
Disclaimer after action
On September 9, 2016, the Police Foundation and the US Department of Justice's Office of Environmentally Friendly Police Services (COPS) published a review of the enforcement response to the attack. This review provides a detailed overview of the incident response; learning to improve the policies, procedures, tactics, systems, cultures, and relationships of responding agencies; and guidance to other agencies and first responders as they prepare responses to terrorists, active shooters, or other hostile events, and mass casualty incidents.
On the one year anniversary of the attack, it was reported that survivors accused San Bernardino County of cutting off support for them. These include lack of access to counseling or antidepressant medications, wounded trying to obtain approved surgery and closed physical therapy, lack of assistance in dealing with complex worker compensation programs, and health insurance refusing to cover injuries as they occur during acts of violence in the workplace. A local spokesman denied the allegations and said, "This district, and always, is committed to ensuring our employees get all the care they need."
Anniversary event
On the first anniversary of the attack, a bicycle ride was held at 7:30 Ã, a.m.; dozens of local cyclists, many of them police officers, climbed 14 miles (23 km), with a mile representing every person killed in the attack. The memorial ceremony was held at the local blood bank at 8:00 Ã, a.m. Later that morning, more than 200 employees at the Inland Regional Center held a silence outside the building. At 3.30 p.m., "Peace Garden" opens on the campus of California State University, San Bernardino; it is dedicated to the memory of five victims, all of whom are university alumni.
Local and regional reactions
After the attack, regional offices, including the Department of Public Health, are closed this week, with only the most important services still open. Most of the 20,000 employees in the area returned to work on December 7, 2015, although the Inland Regional Center personnel worked remotely. The Inland Regional Center remains closed until January 4, 2016. The two main buildings now operate under high security; the building where the attack takes place will remain sealed indefinitely. The location of the planned railway station next to the Center is moved eastward due in part to the new central security procedures.
The city of San Bernardino bore up to US $ 1 million in unexpected expenses (such as the placement of more police officers in an extended turn) as a result of the attack, and plans to raise funds state and federal emergency to help cover costs.
California Governor Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency in San Bernardino County, as about 35 percent of Public Health Department employees were among those killed or injured in the attack, and the attack left the area with very few health inspectors to do important work.. The emergency declaration will allow the state of California to send additional health inspectors for assistance. On March 22, 2016, San Bernardino County unanimously voted to receive a US $ 1.5 million sponsorship agreement with the California Association of Environmental Health Administrators to provide up to 30 temporary health inspectors for replacing those who are currently on leave. On May 29, 2016, 50 percent of the county's environmental health staff remained on leave, and temporary staff remained on loan from Riverside, Orange, Los Angeles, Contra Costa, Marin, Ventura and San Luis Obispo County.
About 2,000 locals gathered at the candlelight vigil at San Manuel Stadium in downtown San Bernardino the day after the attack. On the show that night, Mayor R. Carey Davis praised the first responders, saying that the tragedy "forever impacted our community," and talked about how society came together after the attack. Five of the victims and one of the killers were graduates of California State University, San Bernardino; on December 8, 2015, more than 1,000 students, alumni, and community members attended the candlelight vigils on campus to honor the victims. On January 4, 2016, a memorial to the murdered victim was held at Citizens Business Bank Arena near Ontario, with thousands of attendees, including Governor Brown, California Attorney General Kamala Harris, former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani and Christian priest Rick Warren.
Following the attack, the grant for San Bernardino was set and has collected $ 2.48 million on March 3, 2016. On July 5, 2016, the grant finished finishing the entire money it collected. to the families of the deceased victims (all of whom received 80 percent of the funds), 22 people were injured (who received 15.5 percent), and the shooting witness (who received 4.5 percent). There are 75 recipients mentioned in total, although two police officers were injured in the shootout with the offenders refusing their share of the compensation.
National reaction
President Barack Obama ordered the US flag to fly with half the staff at the White House, public buildings, military installations, navy ships, embassies, and diplomatic missions. On December 18, 2015, President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama met in San Bernardino with survivors, families of fatal victims, and emergency personnel who first responded to the incident.
The governors of several states also ordered that flags be lowered to half the staff in their state as well. In California, the annual Christmas tree building ceremony at State Capitol was canceled and all flags were lowered to half the staff.
Twelve of those killed were members of the International Service Employee Union; SEIU international president Mary Kay Henry said, "Our hearts are devastated from this tragedy. [...] We will unite to demand our nation to do everything possible to ensure that no more families should feel this sadness, sadness and loss again. "
Muslim Reaction
The American Muslim organization, including the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Orange County Islamic Society, condemned the attack. That night was held the night after an attack on the largest mosque in San Bernardino County, Ahmadiyah Mosque Baitul Hameed.
After the shootings, CAIR reported an escalation of anti-Muslim hate crimes in the US, including throwing pig heads to mosques in Philadelphia, beating Queens shopkeepers, and incidents of death threats and vandalism. A number of attacks and incidents of vandalism in southern California in the weeks after the attack were investigated as a crime of anti-Muslim hatred.
The "Muslim United for San Bernardino" campaign to raise money to help the families of the victims with funeral and other necessities collect more than $ 152,000 from over 1,000 donors, becoming the most successful Muslimfunding effort American Muslims ever launched.
On December 15, 2015, three senior White House officials? -? Valerie Jarrett, Cecilia Munoz, and Ben Rhodes? - meet with Muslim and American Sikh leaders to discuss the increase in violent attacks against Muslim American and Sikh members. people who follow the attack (Sikhs are not Muslims but sometimes targeted in crimes that motivate bias-Islam).
On January 19, 2016, Dabiq , an online propaganda magazine of the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant, released a problem praising the shootings and the perpetrators.
Political reaction
Governor Brown said, "Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims and all those affected by the brutal attack." On September 12, 2016, Attorney General Brown and California Kamala Harris rewarded eight Medal of Valor police officers for their role in emergency response during the subsequent attacks and firefights with the perpetrators.
Pakistan's Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan said the Pakistani government would continue to offer "all possible legal aid" to the US in an investigation, and that:
No sensible Pakistani or Muslim can even think of doing such an act, and few people use the Islamic name for their mistake, which slanders our religion. Such nasty acts also cause serious difficulties for millions of Muslims living in Western and other countries, and extremists and nationalist elements in the society view Muslims with suspicion. Islamophobia is spreading all over the world. What terrorists do has nothing to do with Islam.
In a speech to the nation presented from the Oval Office on December 6, 2015, President Obama said the shooting was an act of terrorism, referring to shooters as "having gone through the dark path of radicalization" and embracing the "deviant version of Islam". "Obama said that" the threat of terrorism is real, but we will overcome it "and promised that the United States would" destroy ISIL and other organizations that are trying to hurt us. "Obama also underlined the ongoing struggle against ISIL (including US air strikes, sanctions finance, and targeted special operations) and urged Americans not to give in to fear.It was only the third speech of the Oval Office in Obama's seven year presidency.
Many of the US Republican presidential candidates at the time, among them Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and Donald Trump, responded by claiming the United States was at war. Chris Christie, who campaigned in Iowa at the time, stated, "What exactly is this new world war and war that will not look like the last two, and this is one where radical Islamic jihadists every day seek to kill Americans and disturbing and destroying our way of life. "Jeb Bush stated," If this is a war, and I believe it is because they have declared war on us, we need to declare war on them. "
In the New York Review of Books, Wyatt Mason observed that the mass shooting at the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic, conducted by a devout Christian a week earlier, did not lead to a rhetoric outpour generated by the San Bernardino attack, and argues that differences in responses suggest that racism is at work.
Some Muslim leaders object to Obama's request that American Muslims help "root out" extremism in their communities. Palestinian-American activist Linda Sarsour commented, "I am tired of the notion that extremism can only mean Muslims or Muslims or people associated with Islam [...] why are we just obsessed with Islam and the Muslim community?" "We will never ask any other religious community to stand up and condemn acts of violence committed by people in their group", he said.
On June 18, 2016, President Obama issued a Weekly Address that alluded to the San Bernardino attack and mass shootings that occurred at the gay nightclub six days earlier. In his speech, he discussed the topic of domestic terrorism and gun control.
Being tough against terrorism, especially the kind of terrorism we've seen now in Orlando and San Bernardino, means making it even harder for people who want to kill Americans to get assault weapons capable of killing dozens of innocent people as quickly as possible. That is something I will keep talking about in the coming weeks.
In response to the shooting, Donald Trump called for a "complete and complete" ban on Muslims entering the United States "until the representatives of our country can know what is going on." Trump's statement drew widespread criticism, including from the White House, the Pentagon, the United Nations, and foreign leaders such as British Prime Minister David Cameron and French Prime Minister Manuel Valls. Trump's suggestion was met with criticism from Democratic and Republican candidates for the presidency in 2016. Trump, in an interview on Good Morning America, quoted the American, Japanese, American and Italian American American circumstances during World War II as precedents for his proposal.
The attack revived the debate over whether the US government should extend electronic surveillance of Americans, and specifically whether Congress should adopt laws that require technology companies to provide a backdoor so law enforcement has access to encrypted communications. Tech companies are opposed to such laws, arguing that they will undermine security. On December 9, 2015, the hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, FBI Director Comey asked technology companies that offer end-to-end encryption (like Apple) to revise their "business model". There is no evidence that shooters in San Bernardino use encrypted communications, although Comey said the attackers in the Curtis Culwell Center attack at the beginning of the same year exchanged encrypted text messages. Senators Richard Burr and Dianne Feinstein, chair and rank members, respectively, of the Senate Intelligence Committee, work on encryption laws. In addition, Feinstein reintroduced a law that would require technology companies to report any "knowledge of any terrorist activity" they are aware of, an alarming measure of Silicon Valley technology companies, who reject the act for privacy reasons.
The use of BearCat armored vehicles by police during a firefight revived the debate over the use of military and military-style equipment by police, with law enforcement officials saying that the shootings indicated the need for police to acquire the equipment.
See also
- Armed violence in the United States
- The law of weapons in the United States
- The political gun in the United States
- Bulk shooting in the United States
- The list of killers goes berserk (religious, political or racial crime)
- Islamic terrorism
- P
Source of the article : Wikipedia