The US Court's Special Masters Office on Federal Claims , known as " vaccine court ", maintains an error-free system for filing vaccine compensation claims. These claims against vaccine manufacturers can not usually be filed in state or federal civil courts, but should instead be heard at the US Federal Claims Court, sitting without a jury.
The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program ( VICP or NVICP ) was established by the 1986 National Child Injury Vaccination Act (NCVIA), endorsed by the United States Congress in response to threats to supply vaccines because of the 1980 fear of the DPT vaccine. Despite the beliefs of most public health officials that the claim of side-effects is unfounded, a large jury award has been awarded to some of the plaintiffs, most DPT vaccine makers have stopped production, and officials are worried about losing the herd.
No evidence was found to support the relationship between autism spectrum disorders and vaccines, and the scientific consensus was that routine childhood vaccines had no bearing on the development of autism. Nevertheless, some parents of children with autism spectrum disorders have linked the disorder to the vaccine, and more than 5,300 parents have petitioned in vaccine courts. The vaccine court rejected the lawsuit and ruled that the MMR vaccine did not cause autism.
Video Vaccine court
National Child Injury Vaccine Act
The US Department of Health and Human Services established the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) in 1988 to compensate individuals and families of individuals injured by childhood vaccines covered. The VICP was adopted in response to concerns over the pertussis of the DPT vaccine. Several US lawsuits against vaccine makers won many awards. Most manufacturers stop production, and the remaining major manufacturers threaten to do so. VICP uses a no-fault system to resolve vaccine injury claims. Compensation includes medical and legal costs, loss of future income capacity, and up to $ 250,000 for pain and suffering; death benefits up to $ 250,000 available. If certain minimum requirements are met, legal costs are compensated even for unsuccessful claims. Since 1988, the program has been funded by excise tax of 75 cents at each dose of vaccine purchased. To win the award, the plaintiff must have an injury known as a vaccine injury in a table that is included in the law within the required time frame or indicates a cause-and-effect relationship. The burden of proof is the standard of charge-of-evidence-law, in other words indicating that cause-effect is more likely than not. Rejected claims can be pursued in civil courts, although this is rare.
VICP includes all vaccines listed on the Vaccine Injury Table administered by the Secretary of Health and Human Services; in 2007 this list included vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), measles, mumps, rubella (German measles), polio, hepatitis B, varicella (chickenpox), Haemophilus influenzae type b , rotavirus, and pneumonia. From 1988 to 8 January 2008, 5,263 claims relating to autism, and 2,865 non-autism claims, were made for VICP. 925 of this claim, one related autism (see previous ruling), compensated, with 1,158 non-autism and 350 autism claims dismissed; awards (including attorneys' fees) amounted to $ 847 million. VICP also applies to injury claims suffered before 1988; there are 4,264 claims of this 1,189 compensated with awards valued at $ 903 million.
Filing a claim with the Federal Claims Court requires a $ 250 archiving fee, which can be revoked for those who can not pay. Medical records such as prenatal, birth, pre-vaccination, vaccination, and post-vaccination records are strongly recommended, as medical reviews and claims processing can be delayed without them. Since this is a legal process most people use lawyers, although this is not necessary. In 1999 the average claim took two years to complete, and 42% of claims settled were compensated, compared to 23% for medical malpractice claims through the tort system. There is a three-year restriction law for filing a claim, calculated from the first manifestation of a medical problem. Some complainants have tried to bypass the VICP process with the claim that thimerosal in the vaccine has caused autism, but this is ultimately unsuccessful. They have demanded medical monitoring for vaccinated children who showed no signs of autism and have filed a class action suit on behalf of parents. In March 2006, the US Fifth Circuit Appeals Court ruled that plaintiffs demanding three thiomersal producers could pass the vaccine court and sue in federal or state courts using ordinary channels for recovery in the lawsuit. This is the first instance in which a federal appeals court has ruled that such clothing can pass the vaccine court. The argument is that thiomersal is a preservative, not a vaccine, so it does not fall under the terms of vaccine action. The claim that the vaccine (or thimerosal in vaccine) causes autism should eventually be filed in the vaccine court as part of the Omnibus Autism Proceeding. Some of these attempts to bypass the missing VICP process for their own services or keep waiting for results from Omnibus Autism Proceeding, which found no causal linkage.
Maps Vaccine court
Domestic Security Act
The 2002 Domestic Security Act provides another exception to the exclusive jurisdiction of the vaccine courts. If the smallpox vaccine should be extensively given by public health authorities in response to a terrorist attack or other biological warfare, the person managing or producing the vaccine will be considered a federal employee and the claim will be subject to Tort Federal Claim Act, where case prosecutors will sue The US government in the US district court, and will have the burden to prove the default of the defendants, a much more difficult standard.
The applicant's proof load
The 2005 US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit ruling stated that a decision must be granted if an applicant sets "Table Injury" or prove the "real cause" by proving the following three branches:
- medical theories that causally link vaccinations and injuries;
- The logical sequence of causes and effects indicating that vaccination is the reason for injury; and
- shows the closest interim relationship between vaccination and injury.
This ruling states that the tetanus vaccine causes certain cases of optic neuritis although there is no scientific evidence to support the claim of the applicant. Another decision has allowed the petitioners to gain credit for the claim that the MMR vaccine causes fibromyalgia, that the Hib vaccine causes myelitis transversely, and that the hepatitis B vaccine causes Guillain-Barrà © Å © syndrome, chronic demyelinating polyneuropathy, and multiple sclerosis. In the most extreme case, a 2006 petitioner claimed that hepatitis B vaccine caused multiple sclerosis although some research indicates that the vaccine did not cause or worsen the disease, and despite the conclusion by the Institute of Medicine that evidence supports the rejection of causal relationships.
In 2008 the federal government resolved a case brought to the vaccine court by Hannah Poling's family, a girl who experienced symptoms like autism after receiving a series of vaccines in one day. Vaccines given are DTaP, Hib, MMR, varicella, and polio are not active. Polls were diagnosed a few months later with encephalopathy (brain disease) caused by mitochondrial deficit enzymes, mitochondrial disorders; it is not uncommon for children with such deficits to develop neurological signs between their first and second years. There is little scientific research in this field: there is no scientific research to show whether childhood vaccines can cause or contribute to mitochondrial disease, and there is no scientific evidence that vaccinations damage the brains of children with mitochondrial disorders. Although many parents see this decision as a confirmation that the vaccine causes regressive autism, most children with autism do not seem to have mitochondrial disorders, and the case is resolved without cause-and-effect evidence.
With the commencement of the hearing in case of Cedillo v. Secretary of Health and Human Services (Case # 98-916V), the argument about whether autism is a vaccine injury moved to a vaccine trial. A panel of three special masters began hearing the first cases of the historic Autism Omnibus Progress in June 2007. There were six cases of all trials, and all case notes were publicly available. The principal applicant, Michelle Cedillo's parents, claims that Michelle's autism is caused by a vaccine. Theresa and Michael Cedillo argue that thiomersal is seriously weakening Michelle's immune system and preventing her body from clearing the measles virus after vaccination at the age of fifteen months. In the beginning, Special Master George Hastings, Jr. said, "Obviously the life story of Michelle is tragic," while promising to listen carefully to the evidence. On February 12, 2009, the court ruled in three trials that a combination of MMR vaccines and thiomersal-containing vaccines could not be blamed for autism. Hastings concluded in his decision, "Unfortunately, Cedillos has been misled by innocent doctors, in my view, from wrong medical assessments." The verdict was submitted to the US Court of Appeals, and enforced.
On March 13, 2010, the court ruled in three test cases that thiomersal-containing vaccines did not cause autism. Special Master Hastings concludes, "The weight of the whole evidence is very much against the theoretical causal theory of the petition."
External links
- National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)
- The Vaccine/Master Special Office program
Source of the article : Wikipedia