Theodore John Kaczynski born May 22, 1942), also known as Unabomber , is an American domestic terrorist. A mathematician, he abandoned an academic career in 1969 to pursue a primitive lifestyle. Then between 1978 and 1995 he killed three people, and wounded 23 others, in a national bombing campaign targeting those involved with modern technology, in an effort to start a revolution. In relation, he issued a social critique against industrialization and advanced the form of nature-centered anarchism.
In 1971, Kaczynski moved into a remote cabin without electricity or running water in Lincoln, Montana, where he lived as a hermit while learning survival skills in an effort to become self-sufficient. In 1978, after witnessing the destruction of the desert that surrounds his cabin, he concludes that life in nature is untenable and begins his bombing campaign. In 1995, he sent letters to The New York Times and promised to "quit terrorism" if The Times published The Washington Post published his book. the manifesto, the Industrial Society and its Future, where he argues that the bombing is extreme but necessary to draw attention to the erosion of human freedom and dignity by modern technologies requiring large-scale organizations.
Kaczynski was subjected to the longest and most expensive investigation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Before his identity is known, the FBI uses the acronym "UNABOM" ( UN iversity and A irline BOM ber) to refer to his case, resulting in the media calling him " Unabomber ". The FBI, as well as Attorney General Janet Reno, encouraged the publication of the Industrial Society and its Future, leading to his brother David Kaczynski recognizing his writing style and beliefs and informing the FBI. After his arrest in 1996, Kaczynski tried unsuccessfully to dismiss his court-appointed lawyer because they wanted him to plead madness to avoid the death penalty, because he did not believe he was crazy. In 1998, bargain bargaining was achieved, in which he pleaded guilty to all charges and was sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.
Video Ted Kaczynski
Initial years
Kaczynski was born on May 22, 1942, in Chicago, Illinois, to the working class, second generation Polish Americans, Wanda Theresa (nÃÆ' Â © e Dombek) and Theodore Richard Kaczynski. His parents told his younger brother, David Kaczynski, that Ted was a happy baby until a severe nest forced him into hospital isolation with only limited contact with others, after which he "showed little emotion for months". Wanda then remembers Ted recoiling from the picture of herself as an infant held by a doctor checking her nest, and says she always shows sympathy for the animal in the cage or helpless, which she speculates comes from her experience in hospital isolation.
From grade one to fourth, Kaczynski attended the Sherman Elementary School in Chicago, where administrators described it as "healthy" and "well-adjusted". In 1952, three years after David was born, the family moved to the southwest on the outskirts of Evergreen Park, Illinois; Ted was transferred to Evergreen Park Central School. Having tested his IQ score in 167, he missed the sixth grade. Kaczynski then described this as an important event: he had previously socialized with his friends and even a leader, but after jumping ahead he felt he did not fit in with older kids and was bullied.
Neighbors in Evergreen Park then described Kaczynskis as "civil-minded people", one of which states that parents "sacrifice all they have for their children". Ted and David are smart, but Ted stands out in particular. A neighbor said that he "never knew someone who had a brain like [Ted's]," while others commented that Ted was "very lonely" who "did not play ... an old man before his time." His mother remembers Ted as a shy boy who will not be responsive if pressured into social situations. At one point he was very worried about Ted's social development he considered putting him in a study for autistic children led by Bruno Bettelheim, but decided against it after observing Bettelheim's sudden and cold manner.
Kaczynski attended Evergreen Park Community College where he excelled academically. He played the trombone in the marching band and became a member of German mathematics, biology, coins, and clubs but was regarded as an outsider by his classmates. In 1996, a former classmate said: "He was never really seen as a person, as an individual personality ... He was always considered a walking brain, so to speak." During this period, Kaczynski became very interested in mathematics, spending hours studying and solving advanced problems. He became associated with a group of like-minded boys interested in science and mathematics, known as "bag boys" for their passion for carrying suitcases. One of the members of this group remembers Kaczynski as "the smartest child in class ... just quiet and embarrassed until you know him.As he gets to know you, he can talk and talk."
Throughout high school, Kaczynski was in front of his classmates academically. Placed in a more advanced mathematics class, he soon mastered the material. He missed the eleventh grade, and by attending a summer school was able to graduate at the age of 15. He is one of five National Merit school finalists, and is encouraged to apply to Harvard College. He started at Harvard on a scholarship in 1958 at the age of 16. A high school classmate later said that Kaczynski was emotionally unprepared: "They packed him and sent him to Harvard before he was ready Ã, .. He did not even have a driver's license."
Harvard University
At Harvard, Kaczynski lives during his freshman year at 8 Prescott Street, designed to accommodate the youngest, most precocious student in an intimate small space. The next three years he stayed at Eliot House. One of his colleagues there remembers that he avoids contact with others and "just rushes through the suite, goes into his room, and slams the door." Another statement says Kaczynski is reserved, but thinks of him as a genius: "It's just an opinion - but Ted is brilliant." Other students claim Kaczynski is less socially passionate than this description implies; an Eliot resident who eats with Kaczynski sometimes calls him "very quiet, but his personality ... He'll get into the discussion may be a little less than most [but] he must be friendly."
Kaczynski obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in mathematics from Harvard in 1962. He finished with a 3.12 GPA above average.
Psychology study
As a freshman, Kaczynski participated in a study described by author Alton Chase as "a deliberate, cruel psychological experiment," led by Harvard psychologist Henry Murray. Subjects are told that they will debate personal philosophy with fellow students, and are asked to write essays detailing their personal beliefs and aspirations. Essays are submitted to anonymous lawyers, who in later sessions will confront and belittle the subject - making "hard, sweeping, and personally abusive" attacks - using the contents of the essay as ammunition, while the electrode monitors the physiological reactions of the subject. These meetings were filmed, and the subject's outrage expression was then played back to them repeatedly. The experiment finally lasted for three years, with someone who orally harassed and insulted Kaczynski every week. In total, Kaczynski spent 200 hours as part of his research.
Kaczynski's lawyers then linked his animosity with mind control techniques to his participation in Murray's research. Some sources state that Murray's experiment is part of a Central Intelligence Agency study in mind control, known as Project MKUltra. Chase and others also argue that this experience may have motivated the criminal activity of Kaczynski, while philosopher Jonathan D. Moreno said that, while "Kaczynski's anti-technology fixation and his own criticism has some roots in the Harvard curriculum," Kaczynski's bombing campaign could then "not means put on the door of Harvard ".
Career Math
In 1962, Kaczynski enrolled at the University of Michigan, where he obtained his masters and doctoral degrees in mathematics in 1964 and 1967, respectively. Michigan is not his first choice for postgraduate education; he has also enrolled at the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Chicago, both of whom accept him but offer no teaching position or financial assistance to him. Michigan offered him an annual grant of $ 2,310 (equivalent to $ 18,700 in 2017) and a teaching post.
At the University of Michigan, Kaczynski specializes in complex analysis, particularly geometric function theory. His intelligence and impetus impress his professors. "He is an unusual person.He is not like other graduate students.He is much more focused about his work.He has the urge to find the truth of mathematics," says professor Peter Duren. "It's not enough to say he's smart," said George Piranian, another Michigan mathematics professor. In Michigan, Kaczynski got 5 Bs and 12 A in his 18 studies. However, in 2006, he said "his memories of the University of Michigan are NOT fun Ã, ... the fact that I not only graduated from my college (except one physics course) but got enough, showed how low standard in Michigan. "
In 1967, Kaczynski's dissertation Boundary Functions won the Sumner B. Myers Prize for Michigan's best mathematics dissertation this year. Allen Shields, his doctoral adviser, called him "the best I ever directed", and Maxwell Reade, a member of his dissertation committee, said "I would suspect that maybe 10 or 12 people in that country understand or appreciate it." Kaczynski published two journal articles relating to his dissertation, and three more after leaving Michigan.
In late 1967, 25-year-old Kaczynski became the youngest assistant professor of mathematics in the history of the University of California, Berkeley, where he taught undergraduate courses in geometry and calculus. His teaching evaluation shows he is disliked by his students: he seems uncomfortable teaching, teaching directly from textbooks and refusing to answer questions. Without explanation, Kaczynski resigned on June 30, 1969. At that time, the head of the mathematics department, J. W. Addison, called this a "sudden and unexpected" resignation. In 1996, Berkeley's deputy chairman Calvin C. Moore said, given Kaczynski's "impressive" dissertation and publication, he "could have been promoted and a senior member of today's faculty."
Article 1996 Los Angeles Times states: "The field that Kaczynski is working on does not really exist right now [according to the mathematicians interviewed about his work].Most of his theories were evident in the 1960s, when Kaczynski worked on it. "According to mathematician Donald Rung," [Kaczynski] would probably go to another area if he lived in mathematics. "
Maps Ted Kaczynski
Move to Montana
After resigning from Berkeley, Kaczynski moved to his parents' home in Lombard, Illinois, then two years later to a remote cabin he built outside Lincoln, Montana, where he could live simply with little money and no electricity or running water. , worked oddly and received some financial support from his family.
His original purpose was to be independent so he could live independently. He self-taught survival skills such as game tracking, identification of edible plants, organic farming, arc drilling and other primitive technologies. He uses an old bike to go to town, and a volunteer at a local library says he visits often to read classics in their native language. Other residents of Lincoln said later that such lifestyles were unusual in the area.
In 1975, Kaczynski had decided that it was impossible to live peacefully in nature because of the destruction of forests around his cabin by the construction of real estate and industrial projects. He then remembered his shock at the climb to one of his favorite places:
It's kind of a rolling, non-flat state, and when you get to the edge of it you find this gorge that cuts very steeply into a cliff-like drop-off and there's even a waterfall there. It was about a two day hike from my cabin. It was the best place until the summer of 1983. That summer there were too many people around my cabin so I decided to need some peace. I went back to the plateau and when I got there I found they had placed the right path in the middle of it ... you can not imagine how annoyed I am. From then on I decided that, rather than trying to gain further desert skills, I would work to get back into the system. Revenge.
In response, he begins to sabotage the surrounding developments and dedicates himself to reading about sociology and political philosophy, such as the works of Jacques Ellul. In a 1999 interview, he described his loss of faith in the potential for reform; "human tendency ... to take the least resistance path", he decided, meant that the collapse of violence was the only way to destroy the industrial technology system:
They will take the easy way out, and surrender your car, your television, your electricity, not the most unbearable way for most people. As I see it, I do not think there is a controlled or planned way in which we can disassemble industrial systems. I think the only way we're going to get rid of it is if it collapses and collapses Ã, ... The main problem is people do not believe that revolution is possible, and that's impossible precisely because they do not believe it's possible. For the most part I think the eco-anarchist movement achieves a lot of things, but I think they can do it better ... The true revolutionaries have to break away from the reformers .. And I think it would be good if conscious effort was made to get as many people as possible introduced into the wilderness. In general, I think what to do is not to try and convince or convince the majority of people that we are right, as much as trying to increase tension in society to the point where things begin to break down. To create a situation where people feel quite uncomfortable so they will rebel. So the question is how do you increase that tension?
Between 1978 and 1995, Kaczynski sent or sent directly a series of increasingly sophisticated bombs that cumulatively killed three people and wounded twenty-three. He is very careful in preparing this device to avoid leaving fingerprints; He also deliberately left misleading instructions in it.
Initial bombing
The first Kaczynski bomb mail was directed at Buckley Crist, a professor of materials engineering at Northwestern University. On May 25, 1978, a package containing Crist's sender address was found in the parking lot at the University of Illinois at Chicago. The package was "returned" to the suspicious Crist because he had not sent the package yet, so he contacted the campus police. Officer Terry Marker opened the package, which exploded and injured his left hand.
The main component is a metal tube length of about 1 inch (2.5 cm) in diameter and 9 inches (23 cm) long containing a smoke-free explosive powder and contained in a box. Boxes and plugs that cover the ends of pipes are made of wood. Most pipe bombs use the threaded metal ends that are easily available to consumers; the wooden end has no power for significant pressure to build inside the pipe, weakening the explosion. The trigger is primitive: a nail tightened by a rubber band, which will attack the six heads of a public match when the box is opened. The head of the match will light up and start the burning of the powder. Kaczynski then uses batteries and hot filament wires to power the powder more effectively.
Kaczynski had returned to Illinois for the May 1978 bombing, and stayed there temporarily working with his father and brother in a foam rubber factory. However, in August 1978 he was dismissed by his brother for writing an insult about a female supervisor whom he had briefly dated. The female superintendent then remembers Kaczynski as "intelligent, quiet," but few remember their acquaintance and firmly deny that they have a romantic relationship.
The initial bombing of 1978 was followed by a bomb sent to airline officials, and in 1979 a bomb was placed in a cargo belonging to American Airlines Flight 444, a Boeing 727 that flew from Chicago to Washington, DC The wrong time mechanism prevented the bomb from exploding, but it releases smoke, which forces an emergency landing. Authorities say it has enough power to "wipe out the plane" it explodes. When bombing an airplane is a federal crime, the Federal Bureau of Investigation is involved in the case, assigning UNABOM to UNiversity and Airline BOMber. (The US Postal Inspector, who initially handled the case, labeled the "Bomber Falling Crate" suspect because of material used to make mail bombs.) In 1979, an FBI-led task force that included ATF and the US Post Inspection Service was formed. The task force evolved to over 150 full-time personnel, but minute analyzes of the components of the restored bombs and investigations into the lives of victims proved little used in identifying suspects, who built their bombs mainly from scrap materials available almost anywhere. Victims, researchers then studied, were selected irregularly from library research.
In 1980, chief agent John Douglas, working with agents at the FBI Behavior Unit, issued a psychological profile from unknown bombers. It describes the perpetrator as a man with above-average intelligence and connections for academics. The profile was later refined to characterize the perpetrator as a neo-Luddite who holds an academic degree in harsh sciences, but this psychological-based profile was discarded in 1983. An alternative theory was developed by FBI analysts who concentrated on physical evidence in the discovery of fragment bombs. In this rival profile, the suspect is characterized as a blue collar plane mechanic. A 1-800 hotline was established by the UNABOM Task Force to receive calls related to the investigation, with a $ 1 million prize for anyone who can provide information leading to Unabomber's capture.
The first serious injury occurred in 1985, when John Hauser, a graduate student and captain in the United States Air Force, lost four fingers and sight in one eye. The bomb, like the others of Kaczynski, was made by hand and made with wooden parts.
Hugh Scrutton, a 38-year-old Sacramento, California computer store owner, was killed in 1985 by a nail-and-flake bomb placed in his store parking lot. A similar attack on a computer store occurred in Salt Lake City, Utah, on February 20, 1987. The bomb, disguised as a piece of wood, wounded Gary Wright as he attempted to get it out of the store parking lot. The explosion broke the nerves in Wright's left arm and pushed more than 200 pieces of shrapnel into his body. Kaczynski's brother David - who will play a key role in capturing Kaczynski by alerting federal authorities about his brother's possible involvement in the Unabomber case - sought and became friends with Wright after Kaczynski was arrested in 1996. David Kaczynski and Wright remain friends and sometimes talk shared openly about their relationship.
After a six-year break, Kaczynski struck again in 1993, sending a bomb to David Gelernter, a professor of computer science at Yale University. Despite being severely injured, Gelernter finally recovered. Another bomb sent on the same weekend was sent to Charles Epstein's home of the University of California, San Francisco, who lost several fingers when he opened it. Kaczynski then summoned Gelernter's brother, Joel Gelernter, a behavior geneticist, and told him, "You're next." Geneticist Phillip Sharp at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology also received a threatening letter two years later.
In 1994, Burson-Marsteller executive Thomas J. Mosser was killed by a mail bomb sent to his home in North Caldwell, New Jersey. In another letter to The New York Times, Kaczynski said he "blew Thomas Mosser because... Burston-Marsteller helped Exxon clean up its public image after the Exxon Valdez incident", and more importantly, because "The business is developing techniques to manipulate people's attitudes. " This was followed by the 1995 murder of Gilbert Brent Murray, president of the California Forestry Association's wood industry lobbying group, by a letter bomb aimed at the previous president William Dennison, who has retired.
Altogether, 16 bombs - which injured 23 people and killed 3 - were linked to Kaczynski. While the device varies widely over the years, all but the first few contain the initials "FC." Inside his bomb, certain passages carry the words "FC," which Kaczynski then insists on means "Freedom Club." The latent fingerprints on some devices do not match the fingerprints found on the letters associated with Kaczynski. As stated in the "Additional Findings" section of the FBI statement (where a balanced list of other uncorrelated evidence and opposite determinations also appears):
203. Latent fingerprints associated with devices sent and/or placed by UNABOM subjects compared to those found in the letters associated with Theodore Kaczynski. According to the FBI Laboratory there is no forensic correlation between the samples.
One of Kaczynski's tactics is to leave fake clues in every bomb. He deliberately makes them difficult to find misleading investigators by thinking that they have a clue. The first clue is a metal plate stamped with the initial "FC" hidden somewhere (usually at the end of the pipe) in each bomb. One of the fake clues that he left behind was a note in an unexploded bomb that read "Wu - Success! I told you it would be - RV". Another clue is the $ 1 Eugene O'Neill stamp used to send the boxes. One of his bombs was sent embedded in a copy of Sloan Wilson's Ice Brothers novel.
The FBI theorizes that Kaczynski has a natural theme, trees and wood in his crime. He often incorporated pieces of trees and bark on his bomb, and selected targets included Percy Wood and Professor Leroy Wood . The author of the crime Robert Graysmith notes, "In the case of Unabomber, a big factor is his obsession with wood."
List of bombings
Industrial Society and Its Future
In 1995, Kaczynski sent several letters to the media outlining the goals and demanded that the 35,000 words essay Industrial Society and Its Future (dubbed Unabomber Manifesto by FBI) printed verbatim by major newspapers. He declares that if this demand is met, he will then "quit terrorism".
There is controversy over whether the essay should be published, but the Justice Department, headed by Attorney General Janet Reno, along with FBI Director Louis Freeh, recommends publication because of concerns for public safety and in the hope that readers can identify the author. Bob Guccione of Penthouse voluntarily published it, but Kaczynski replied that, since Penthouse is less "respectable" than any other publication, he would in that case "be entitled to one (and only one) bomb intended to kill, after our manuscript was published. "This essay was published by The New York Times and The Washington Post on September 19, 1995. Penthouse never publish it.
Throughout the document, written on a typewriter without a slant, Kaczynski capitalizes the entire word to indicate emphasis. He always refers to himself as "us" or "FC" (the Freedom Club), although there is no evidence that he works with others. Donald Foster, who analyzed writing at Kaczynski's defense request, notes that the document contains examples of irregular spellings and hyphens, and other linguistic oddities, which led him to conclude that it was Kaczynski who wrote it.
Industrial Society and Its Future begins with Kaczynski's remark that "the Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for mankind."
Kaczynski states that technology has had a destabilizing effect on society, has made life unsatisfactory, and has caused widespread psychological suffering. He argues that because of technological advances, most people spend their time engaged in a useless pursuit that he calls "substitute activities", in which people attempt to achieve artificial goals. Examples he gave of surrogate activities include scientific work, entertainment consumption, and following sports teams. He predicts that further technological advances will lead to a broad human genetic engineering and that humans will be tailored to meet the needs of social systems, not the other way around. He believes that technological advancement can be stopped, unlike some, which he says understands some of its negative effects but passively accepts them as inevitable, and calls for a return to "the wild".
Kaczynski argues that the erosion of human freedom is a natural product of industrial society because "the system must organize human behavior closely to function," and that system reform is impossible because "the change is large enough to make a lasting distinction in favor of freedom not starting because it will be realized they will greatly disrupt the system. "However, he states that the system has not yet fully achieved" control over human behavior "and" is currently engaged in a desperate struggle to overcome certain problems that threaten its survival. " He predicts that "[i] f the system succeeds in gaining sufficient control over human behavior fairly quickly, it may survive otherwise it will be broken," and that "this problem is likely to be resolved in the next few decades, say 40 to 100 year. "Kaczynski therefore stated that the task of those opposing industrial societies is to promote" social stress and instability, "and to spread" an ideology opposing technology, "which offers a" counter-ideal "of nature" to gain enthusiasm. support." So, when the industrial society is quite unstable, "revolution against technology can be possible."
Throughout the document, Kaczynski discusses Kiriism as a movement. He defines the left as "primarily socialist, collectivist, politically correct type", feminist, gay and disability activist, animal rights activist and the like, "suggesting that the left is mainly driven by" feelings of inferiority "and" oversocialization , "and derided leftism as" one of the most widespread manifestations of the madness of our world. "Kaczynski also stated that" a movement that glorifies nature and opposes technology must take a firm anti-left attitude and must avoid all collaboration with the left, as in his view. "[l] eftism in the long run is inconsistent with the wild, with human freedom and with the abolition of modern technology." He also criticizes conservatives, describing them as "fools" who "complain about the decay of traditional values, but they are enthusiastic about technological advancement and economic growth. It seems to never happen to them that you can not make rapid drastic changes in people's technology and economy without causing rapid change in all other aspects of society as well, and that such rapid change must break traditional values. "
In the Atlantic , Alston Chase reports that the text "was welcomed in 1995 by many wise men as genius, or at least deep, and sane enough." Chase himself argues, however, that it is "the work of both genius and maniac. [...] Pessimism over the direction of civilization and its rejection of the modern world is divided primarily by the most highly educated nation."
UCLA Professor James Q. Wilson, mentioned in the manifesto, writes for The New Yorker that the Industrial Society and Its Future are a carefully written and written thoroughly. If that is the work of a madman, then the writings of many political philosophers - Jean Jacques Rousseau, Tom Paine, Karl Marx - are almost insane. "
David Skrbina, a professor of philosophy at the University of Michigan and former Green Party candidate for Michigan governor, has written several essays to support the investigation of Unabomber's ideas, one entitled "A Revolutionary for Our Times."
Paul Kingsnorth, former deputy editor of The Ecologist and co-founder of the Dark Mountain Project, wrote an essay for Orion Magazine where he described Kaczynski's argument as "reassuringly convincing" and stated that they "can change my life."
Keith Ablow, writing for Fox News, stated that Kaczynski was "disgraceful for killing and wounding people" but "right in many of his ideas," and comparing the Industrial Society and Its Future with Aldous Huxley > Brave New World and George Orwell's
Some of the anarcho-primitivist writers, such as John Zerzan and John Moore, came to Kaczynski's defense, while also holding particular objections about his actions and his ideas.
Other published works
Kaczynski continued his productive and meticulous research, writing and correspondence since his imprisonment. In addition to some unpublished volume of essays, letters, and books currently housed in the University of Michigan Labadie Collection, Kaczynski has published two books. First, Technology Slavery: The Collected Articles from Theodore J. Kaczynski, aka "The Unabomber" (2010), is an anthology of an unpublished essay related to its anti-tech philosophy, as well as the expansion of ideas in the Industrial Society and its Future in the form of letters to various academics and other authors. His latest work, Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How (2016), is a comprehensive historical analysis of the impact of technology on society, for reasons in detail why technological control and prediction and community management are impossible. In addition, the book proposes a new framework for organizing and motivating people to make "meaningful and lasting change."
Works and related influences
As a critique of the tech society as it was in 1995, the manifesto echoes the contemporary criticism of technology and industrialization, such as John Zerzan, Jacques Ellul (The Technological Society was referred to in Kaczynski's 1971 essay), Rachel Carson, Lewis Mumford, and EF Schumacher. His notion of "power process interruption" also echoes social critics stressing the lack of meaningful work as the main cause of social problems, including Mumford, Paul Goodman, and Eric Hoffer. The general theme is also discussed by Aldous Huxley Brave New World, which references Kaczynski. Kaczynski's notion of "oversocialization" and "surrogate activities" reminds Sigmund Freud of his Civilization and Its Discontents and his theory of rationalization and sublimation (a term used three times in the manifesto to describe "substitute activity").
In the Wired article on technological dangers, " Why the Future Does not Require Us " (2000), Bill Joy, co-founder of Sun Microsystems, quotes Ray Kurzweil's The Age of Spiritual Machines, quoting a passage by Kaczynski about the kinds of societies that might develop if human labor is entirely replaced by artificial intelligence. Joy writes that Kaczynski is "obviously a Luddite" but "just says this does not dismiss his argument," and states "I see some merits in reasoning in this one [and] feeling to have to deal with it."
Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian attacker of 2011, published a manifesto in which a large number of texts copied from Industrial Society and Its Future were substituted (eg, replacing "left" with Marxist "culture" and " multiculturalist ").
Prior to the publication of the Industrial Society and its Future, Ted's brother, David Kaczynski, was encouraged by his wife to follow up on the suspicion that Ted was an Unabomber. At first David refused, but he began to take on a more serious possibility after reading the manifesto a week after it was published in September 1995. He scoured old family newspapers and found letters by Ted from the 1970s, sent to newspapers. to protest against the misuse of technology and contain expressions similar to those found in the manifesto.
Before the manifesto was published, the FBI held numerous press conferences asking the public to help identify Unabomber. They were convinced that the bomber was from the Chicago area (where he started the bombing), had worked in or had a relationship with Salt Lake City, and in the 1990s had a relationship with the San Francisco Bay Area. This geographical information, as well as words in the excerpt of the manifesto released before the entire manifesto was published, persuaded David Kaczynski's wife to urge her husband to read the manifesto.
After the manifesto was published, the FBI received over a thousand calls a day for months in response to a $ 1 million gift offer for information leading to the identity of Unabomber. Many of the letters claiming to be from Unabomber were also sent to the UNABOM Task Force, and thousands of suspects pointed to review. While the FBI is busy with new prospects, David Kaczynski hires Susan Swanson's private investigator in Chicago to investigate Ted's activities secretly. The Kaczynski brothers had become foreigners in 1990, and David had not seen Ted since 1985. David then hired a Washington attorney, D.C. Tony Bisceglie to organize evidence obtained by Swanson and make contact with the FBI, given the difficulties that allegedly attracted the FBI's attention. David wanted to protect his brother from the danger of FBI attacks, such as Ruby Ridge or the Waco Siege, because he thought Ted would not be happy to be contacted by the FBI and might react violently.
In early 1996, former FBI hostage negotiator and criminal profiler Clinton R. Van Zandt was contacted by investigators working with Bisceglie. Bisceglie asked Van Zandt to compare the manifest with a copy of the handwritten letters he received that David received from his brother. Initial analysis of Van Zandt determined that there was more than a 60 percent chance that the same person had written letters and manifestos, which had been in public for half a year. Van Zandt's second analysis team determines the higher possibility that letters and manifestos are products of the same author. He recommends Bisceglie's clients contact the FBI immediately.
In February 1996, Bisceglie provided a copy of a 1971 essay written by Ted Kaczynski to the FBI. At the headquarters of the UNABOM Task Force in San Francisco, Special Agent Supervisor Joel Moss immediately acknowledged the similarity in the writings. The linguistic analysis determines that the author of essay papers and manifestos is almost certainly the same. Combined with the facts of the bombing and Kaczynski's life, the analysis provided the basis for a search warrant.
David Kaczynski had tried to remain anonymous at first, but he was immediately identified, and within a few days the FBI agent team was sent to interview David and his wife with their lawyers in Washington, DC At this and subsequent meetings, David gave a letter written by his brother, in their original envelope, allowing the FBI task force to use the postmark date to add more details to their Ted activity schedule. David developed a respectable relationship with Task Force's principal behavioral analyst, Special Agent Kathleen M. Puckett, whom he met repeatedly in Washington, DC, Texas, Chicago, and Schenectady, New York, for nearly two months before a federal search warrant. served in Kaczynski's cabin.
David Kaczynski once admired and imitated his older brother but then decided to abandon the lifestyle of survival behind. He had received assurances from the FBI that he would remain anonymous and that his brother would not know who had changed him, but his identity was leaked to CBS News in early April 1996. CBS anchorman Dan Rather called up FBI director Louis Freeh, who asked for 24 hours before CBS broke the story on the evening news. The FBI rushed to complete the search warrant and issued it by a federal judge in Montana; after that, an internal leakage investigation was conducted by the FBI, but the source of the leak was never identified. In 1996, Evergreen Park Community College was also placed in lockdown while FBI agents searched for Kaczynski school records. At the end of the school day, the students were greeted by journalists who asked how they felt about going to the same high school as Unabomber. That evening the news was released to the public.
Paragraphs 204 and 205 of the FBI search and arrest warrants for Ted Kaczynski state that "experts" - many of them academics consulted by the FBI - believe the manifesto has been written by "other individuals, not Theodore Kaczynski". As stated in the affidavit, only a handful of people who believed Kaczynski was an Unabomber before a search warrant revealed many of the evidence in Kaczynski's isolated cabin. The search warrant written by FBI Inspector Terry D. Turchie reflects this conflict, and is a striking evidence of the opposition to Turchie and his small FBI agent cadres including Moss and Puckett - who believe Kaczynski is the Unabomber - of the UNABOM Task Force and the FBI general:
204. Affanting You are aware that others have analyzed the UNABOM Manuscript that the Manuscript was written by another individual, not Kaczynski, who has also been a suspect in the investigation.
205. Many other opinions of scholars have been given concerning the identity of the subject of the unabomb. None of them named Theodore Kaczynski as a possible author.
The FBI agent arrested Kaczynski on April 3, 1996, in his hut, where he was found in an unkempt state. His cabin search revealed a cache of bomb components, 40,000 pages of handwritten journals including bomb-making experiments, a description of Unabomber's crime and a live bomb, ready to be shipped. They also discovered what appeared to be the original typed manuscript of the Industrial Society and its Future . At this point, Unabomber has been the most expensive target of investigation in the history of the FBI.
After his arrest, the theory emerged to name Kaczynski as the Zodiac Killer. Among the suspicious links was the fact that Kaczynski lived in the San Francisco Bay Area from 1967 to 1969 (the same period as most of the Zodiac-confirmed killings occurred in California), that both individuals were very intelligent with an interest in bombs and codes , and that both wrote letters to newspapers demanding the publication of their work with the threat of continuing violence if the request was not met. However, Kaczynski's whereabouts can not be verified for all murders, and the killing of weapons and knives by the Zodiac Killer is different from Kaczynski's bombing, so he is no more pursued as a suspect. Robert Graysmith, author of the 1986 Zodiac book, says that the similarities are "dazzling" but purely coincidental.
The initial hunt for Unabomber depicts a perpetrator far different from the ultimate suspect. The Industrial Society and Its Future consistently use "us" and "us" throughout, and at one point in 1993 researchers searched for an individual whose first name was "Nathan" because the name was in a fragments of a note were found in one of the bombs, but when the case was presented to the public, the authorities denied that anyone other than Kaczynski was involved in the crime.
Guilty plea
The federal federal jury charged Kaczynski in April 1996 on ten charges of transport, shipping, and illegal use of the bomb, and three counts of murder.
Kaczynski's lawyers, headed by Montana's federal public defender Michael Donahoe and Judy Clarke, tried to enter the madness defense to escape the death penalty, but he refused this appeal. On January 8, 1998, he requested to dismiss his lawyer and employ Tony Serra as his advisor; Serra agrees not to use fierce defenses and instead base defense on Kaczynski's anti-technological views. This request was unsuccessful and Kaczynski then attempted suicide by hanging on 9 January. Some, though not all, forensic psychiatrists and psychologists who examined Kaczynski diagnosed him suffering from paranoid schizophrenia. Park Forensic psychiatrist Park Dietz says Kaczynski is not psychotic but has a schizoid or schizotypal personality disorder. In his 2010 Slavery Technology Kaczynski said that two prison psychologists who visited him often for four years told him that they did not see any indication that he was suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and the diagnosis was "silly" and "political diagnosis".
On January 21, 1998, Kaczynski was declared competent to be tried "despite a psychiatric diagnosis". Because he deserved to be tried, the prosecutor sought the death penalty but Kaczynski avoided it by pleading guilty to all charges on January 22, 1998, and receiving life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. He then attempted to withdraw this defense, arguing it was not deliberate. Judge Garland Ellis Burrell Jr. rejected his request, and the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit supported the decision.
In 2006, Burrell ordered that items from Kaczynski's cabins be sold at "reasonably advertised Internet auctions." Goods considered to be bomb-making materials, such as diagrams and "recipes" for bombs, are issued. The net proceeds went to $ 15 million in restitution Burrell had given Kaczynski a victim. Kaczynski correspondence and other personal papers are also auctioned. Burrell ordered the abolition, before sale, references in the documents to the victims of Kaczynski; Kaczynski failed to challenge the editorial as a violation of freedom of speech. This auction generates $ 232,000.
Kaczynski serves eight life sentences without the possibility of parole at ADX Florence, a supermax prison in Florence, Colorado. When asked if he was afraid of losing his mind in prison, Kaczynski replied:
No, what worries me is that I may be in the sense of adapting to this environment and being comfortable here and not hating it anymore. And I am afraid that as time passes I may forget, I may begin to lose my memory of mountains and forests and that is what really worries me that I may lose those memories, and lose contact with the wild. nature in general. But I am not afraid they will break my spirits.
In 2016, it was reported that from the very beginning in prison, Kaczynski had been friends with Ramzi Yousef and Timothy McVeigh, the 1993 World Trade Center bombers and Oklahoma City bombing. The three discussed religion and politics and formed a friendship that lasted until McVeigh's execution in 2001.
Kaczynski's cabin was confiscated by the US government and on display at the Newseum in Washington, DC In October 2005, Kaczynski offered to donate two rare books to the Melville J. Herskovits African Library Study at the Northwestern University campus in Evanston, Illinois, the location of his first two strikes. Northwestern declined the offer because it already has a copy of the work.
The Labadie Collection, part of the University of Michigan Special Collections Library, houses Kaczynski's correspondent with more than 400 people since his arrest, including replies, legal documents, publications and clippings. The identity of most of the correspondents will remain sealed until 2049. In 2012, Kaczynski responded to the Harvard Alumni Association's directory request for the 50th reunion of the 1962 class; he enlisted his job as a "prisoner" and eight of his lifelong sentences as "rewards".
Publishes math works
See also
- Austin serial bombing, series of bundled packages by 2018
- Das Netz , a 2003 German film that includes segments in Kaczynski
- Italian Unabomber, a terrorist responsible for a series of similar bombings in Italy
- Manhunt: Unabomber , a 2017 television miniseries dramatizing the UNABOM investigation
- P.O. Unabomber Box , a 2011 Bulgarian game that includes Kaczynski as a character
- Unabomber for President, a campaign aimed at selecting Unabomber in the 1996 United States presidential election
- Unabomber: The True Story , a 1996 television movie dramatizing the UNABOM investigation
Further reading
Kaczynski, Theodore (2016), Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How , Fitch & amp; Madison Publishers, ISBN 978-1-944228-00-2 Kaczynski, David (2016), Every Last Tie: The Unabomber Story and Their Family , Duke University Press, ISBN 978- 0-8223- 5980-7External links
- Ted Kaczynski and Why He Matters, The Dark Mountain Project
- The writings of Ted Kaczynski Online
- Kaczynski's letter to the author of the book, American Terrorist, about fellow terrorist Timothy McVeigh
- Unabomber Letter Text Received by N.Y. Times April 26, 1995
- Text of Letters from Unabomber to Dr. David Gelernter
- A letter to a Turkish anarchist
- Unabomber family photo album - Chicago Tribune
- Radio Interview with Ted Kaczynski by Stephen Dubner
- Review [i] Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How by Steve Fuller
- Ted Kaczynski in the Mathematical Genealogy Project
Source of the article : Wikipedia